Just because an intervention claim is made by an expert or authority, you cannot be sure that it is trustworthy.
Just like everyone else, farmers, researchers, and advisors often disagree about the effects of interventions. This may be because what they say is not based on a systematic review of fair comparisons of interventions.
People should not decide how trustworthy an intervention claim is based only on who made the claim or how experienced, well known, or “expert” they are; or where the claim was made. Claims that are not based on fair comparisons can be found in sources that are well-respected as well as ones that are not.
BEWARE of intervention claims like “recommended by experts”.
REMEMBER: Just because a intervention claim is made by an expert or authority, or comes from a well-respected source, you cannot be sure that it is trustworthy unless it is clearly based on a (systematic) review of fair comparisons.