It is rarely possible to know in advance which specific situations/locations will benefit or not from an intervention.
Fair comparisons of interventions usually tell us what happened in a group of animals/plants/sites. There are very few, if any interventions that have exactly the same effect on every individual/situation. Usually, in a group of plants/animals/sites, there are some that benefit, some that do not, and some that may be harmed by the intervention. It is not possible to know in advance which category any individual or site will fall into.
The only way to know whether tailoring interventions for individual situations works is to test it in fair comparisons. Unless the tailored intervention is 100% effective and 100% safe, it is still not possible to know in advance exactly which animal/plant/site will benefit from “customised care” and which will not. No intervention is really tailored for each individual/situation; it is simply an effort to identify those that are most likely to benefit from specific interventions.
BEWARE of claims about “customised” or “tailored” interventions that have not been evaluated in fair comparisons.
REMEMBER: It is rarely possible to know in advance which individuals/situations will benefit, which will not, and which will be harmed by an intervention.